BRI Network

Creating a Team Approach to Capacity Management

2023 Patient Flow Management Summit
Las Vegas, NV US 26 Jan 2023 to 27 Jan 2023 · 11:00AM PT $paid event


Creating a Team Approach to Capacity Management
Managing the efficient flow of patients into and out of the hospital has become a focus of all health systems nationally.  Hospitals have taken many approaches including setting up command centers to centralize the work.  When volumes surge, leaders around healthcare organizations engage in the daily process to assist with the movement of patients.  

The engagement by leaders from all levels of the organization can lead to decentralizing the work, confusing messages and competing with the command centers’ work.  Creating work standards for teams based on levels of capacity ensures that the organization is working together towards common goals.  

This session will discuss the creation of levels of capacity, communicating those levels and development of standard work for teams to support the needs of the organization.


Matthew Rougeux, MHA Vice President, Patient Flow
Duke University Hospital