Becker's Healthcare

Future of Healthcare: Incorporating AI for impact

Becker’s Hospital Review 14th Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL US 9 Apr 2024 · 11:30 CT $paid event


The panel will share current examples of using AI to support daily patient care operations and discuss their vision for further automation, decision support and new practices powered by AI. Outcomes will include topics such as a nurse staffing ratios, length-of-stay and imaging utilization.


Bree Bush, GM, Command Center and Pharma SolutionsGE HealthCare 
Jill Hoggard Green, PhD, RN, President and CEO, The Queen’s Health System
Jim Terwilliger,
President, Puget Sound Market, Northwest Region, CommonSpirit Health
Kristie Barazsu,
Associate COO, Duke University Hospital

Bree Bush

Bree Bush

General Manager