Using analytics to tackle operational challenges

Modern Healthcare

16 Aug 2022
Through the pandemic and beyond, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health (VMFH) has relied on their Mission Control Command Center to optimize care delivery. “Operations translate into clinical outcomes,” said Matthew Mesker, division director of VMFH’s mission control and virtual health services. “If we don’t prepare well, patients are going to experience delays in care and suboptimal services.”

Powered by GEHC Command Center technology, Mission Control pulls data from electronic health records, employee schedules and other sources to provide real-time, actionable insights about patient volumes and staffing needs.

During COVID-19 surges, Mission Control helped VMFH manage patient intake and balance resources. Now, the system is developing a model to predict staffing shortages. 
For more details about how VMFH and other health systems are leveraging data on demand, read the full article.