GE Healthcare

The Value of Command Center Powered Health System Logistics

Virtual Zoom Meeting
8 Dec 2022 · 10:00 EST free


Command centers are proven technology that can dramatically improve operations and elevate patient care. During a Healthcare Logistics Think Tank event on December 8, Jeff Terry, CEO of GE HealthCare Command Center and Dr. Peter Chang, Vice President of Healthcare Design at Tampa General Hospital (TGH) will discuss:

  • Lessons learned from over 300 command center installations, including how TGH was able to save $40 million, eliminate 20,000 excess days, and decrease the length of stay by ½ day
  • The ideal roles of the CEO and CIO as innovators and project champions 
  • How command centers support multi-vendor collaborations and build on existing EHR installations
  • Flexing a command center to meet expected and unexpected needs
  • The growth and future of command centers


Jeff Terry, CEO, GE HealthCare Command Center
Dr. Peter Chang,
Vice President, Healthcare Design at Tampa General Hospital