
Case Study: Duke University Health expedites bed assignment times
See how Duke University Health decreased the time from bed request to bed assigned by 66% and has sustained that change for three years. Download the case ...

Case Study: Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT) embarks on operational transformation
See how BTHFT addressed five strategic objectives through the deployment of their command centre: Relieve pressure on the emergency department Better match bed ...

White paper: How AI Can Improve Healthcare Staffing
The anticipated exodus of healthcare workers has become a reality, and health systems need tools, strategies, and methodologies that can help balance and ...

Case Study: Could New Information Tools Finally Save Nurses Time?
Nurses are the heart, soul and backbone of patient care. As skilled professionals who manage and complete a myriad of tasks, they need to make informed ...

Case Study: Improve Discharge Planning: Redesigning Bullet Rounds and Implementing a Patient Manager Software
Extended length of stay (LOS) is a concern at Humber River Hospital (HRH), as the 2019 average medicine conservable bed-days per 100 days averaged 168.7 days. ...

Command Centers Integral to Sustainable Healthcare
As staff, beds, and other resources become more constrained, healthcare leaders are striving to build a more sustainable future. Command Centers provide ...
Reducing Hospital Harm: Establishing a Command Centre to Foster Situational Awareness
National Library of Medicine
25 Jul 2022